Saturday 26 November 2011

Live Review: Yuck @ The Electric Ballroom 24th November 2011

Clear Distortion just had to go back there. And Yuck were fantastic.
By the sheer number of people crammed into the venue it's clear that Yuck actually have quite a following, and although the crowd was generally made up of civilised people who stood still and enjoyed the music, there was a small circle near the front of thrashing teenagers to make it authentic. The band opened with their heavier tracks, much to the delight of the teenagers in their mosh pit, who succeeded in intensly irritation those around them when songs like Georgia were played, but they then contrasted by closing with Rubber, the seven minute long track at the end of the album, which fuzzed out leaving a crowd that had clearly appeared almost hypnotised. Yuck's unique sound may not bring them chart topping fame, but they have clearly established themselves as a force to be reconned with. Clear Distortion can't wait to see what the next album will be like.

Saturday 19 November 2011

He should have been on the list...

Browsing Rolling Stone's 100 Greatest guitarists of all time list, I decided that there are at least 200 guitarists missing from it. And that there isn't a 100 Greatest bassists of all time list. And that Freddie Mercury wasn't at the top of the greatest singers list. Rolling Stone are moving down on my favourite magazines of all time list! If I did my own version of such a list, this man would definately feature somewhere near the top.
Yes, this is My Chemical Romance's Ray Toro. This picture should be self explanitory -  Ray Toro is pretty damn awesome. And he's a bloody good guitarist. Having seen My Chem live, Clear Distortion has witnessed the beauty of his guitar playing, and was frankly gobsmacked by it. Guitarists honestly don't get much better than this. And the guy doesn't even have his own Wikipedia page! He deserves a hundred times more credit! All NME could say was that he had love handles!!!! Probably jealous that they aren't as good as he is.
While MCR may not come back to the UK for a while, the sheer extent of Toro's skill can be appreciated by listening to Dead, an album track off the Black Parade. While it may not have been successful as songs like Teenagers and Famous Last Words, the solos are nothing short of epic. I'd like to see the guy from Bombay Bicycle Club attempting to play this song.

Saturday 5 November 2011

Up and coming alert! Rebel Territory

Sorry for the excessive up and coming band stuff. However irritating it may be I just keep finding interesting new bands. Like Rebel Territory for example. I promise they aren't just another boring alternative band. If you don't have this song in your head by the end of the very exciting video you obviously have some kind of aversion to catchy choruses. And I like the guy's voice.